Breaking Through the Clouds

Breaking through the Clouds

For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

I recently went on a trip and on my way home I had a short layover in Atlanta. As the plane taxied down the runway for the last leg of the journey back to St. Louis I noticed it was a drizzley dark day.

As the plane began lifting off the ground rain drops slide across the window. The clouds were so thick that you couldn’t see anything outside at all.

Within only a matter of a just a few minutes the clouds surrounding the plane started becoming a little brighter and soon the plane was breaking through and was soon on top of the clouds as sunshine streamed through the windows.

What had been dark just moments ago was now magnificently bright!

This reminds me of how it is when Jesus saves a life.

Without Jesus life can be a pretty dark place, but once you let Him in immediately that darkness begins to change. His light starts filtering through the darkness making things become brighter and brighter until suddenly you see yourself beginning to break through the clouds that surround you. Eventually finding yourself reaching the place on top where his great light shines magnificently bright and the darkness is now left far far behind!

What a great place to be!

If you don’t know Jesus and would like more information you can contact me via email at  No pressure at all just the information you request.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!

Terri Siebert






8 thoughts on “Breaking Through the Clouds

  1. Freedomborn ... Aussie Christian Focus says:

    Thank you T, a great analogy and yes Jesus is The Light that shines in the darkness , below is a song I listen to every night before I go to sleep, I have even woken up singing it, I hope you enjoy it, your message reminded me of it because what you shared shouts out loud and clear, Jesus is the only way.

    Christian Love Always in our Unity in Christ Jesus – Anne.


    • Terri says:

      Anne, thank you for the song, I finally figured out the problem, it was because the first 2 links you sent were the short code, the last one you sent was the long code. I switched your last comments code in place of this comments link code and now the video is here. we sing this song at church a lot and its one of my favorites, thank you for sharing it, I am not feeling well all week and this was a good song to lift me up. Thanks for reading and for your comment, sorry for the trouble with the youtube.


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