This is My Love Story, What’s Yours?


Do you believe in Love at first sight?? I do and this is why…

In 1981 I was a 17 years old and in 11th grade in high school. I had just gotten a part time job after school working in a purse factory. The factory had just started an evening shift so every day they were hiring more new people.  One evening as I was working I saw my boss walking into our department with another new guy which was a pretty normal occurrence but today something felt different.  As they walked by my station I felt instantly curious about the new guy and after they went by I just couldn’t stop thinking about the new guy.

I spent the next hour trying to peak at the new guy without him seeing me looking. For some reason I just could not focus on my job any longer and then suddenly this crazy notion came into my head to make up some lame question to ask my boss just so I could… I am not sure what….see the new guy closer?… Get him to notice me?… Just go stand by him? I really am not sure what my motive was but back then I was a pretty shy girl so this was not something I would have normally done.  Eventually I mustered up my courage and went over to where they were working.  The rest is a bit of a blur,  I remember asking my question, turning about five different shades of red and walking back to my station feeling rather silly.

For the next couple of weeks I said hi to the new guy in passing and he said hi back to me but that was really the extent of it.  I wasn’t sure if he even noticed me at all like I noticed him.

I usually got off work at 10:30 pm and the new guy would get off several hours after I did. One night after work as I was heading across the parking lot to my car a guy that I had had a bad experience with, who was now stalking me (another story for another day) stepped out of the shadows and grabbed me by the arm. I was trying to pull away from him just as I heard someone say “Hey leave her alone!”  Stalker guy immediately let go and I stood there kind of cowering behind … you guessed it… The new guy at work .

The new guy stood there like my night in shining armor protecting me until the stalker guy left. New guy then walked me to my car and then said he had to go home and that he had been leaving work early that night  because he was not feeling well.  He turned to walk away but then he stopped, turned back and asked me if I would like to go ‘party’ sometime.  I still remember  the sound of his voice and the look of shyness on his face as he asked me. I could tell he was a very sweet guy and  I was not sure if party meant a date but hey I was happy he asked me to go anywhere with him!  A week later we ‘Partied’ sat and talked for hours.  After that date we began ‘partying’ every chance we could and a few short months later we were married.  Looking back today I see that back then we were a just couple of kids and way to young to get married, but we were in love and to us that is all that mattered.

As I sit here today I realize that no matter how young we were it was meant to be. This year is our 33rd Valentine’s Day together and  I still enjoy ‘partying’  with the new guy after all these years. Over the years we have had a few rough times but we have mostly good times and our love has now grown even stronger.  We have now added 3 kids and 3 grand-kids to our lives and it has been a really good life. As I look back over my life with the Mark (new guy’s name is Mark) this Valentine’s Day and I can see that God orchestrated it all.  I am thankful for my husband and so blessed to be sharing this life with him.

In the beginning of this post I asked the question. “Do you believe in love at first sight? to which I answered with “I do.”

Now it’s your turn.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

What’s your love story?  I’d love to hear it, post your story in the comment section below or  if you have posted your love story on your blog share your link.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


17 thoughts on “This is My Love Story, What’s Yours?

  1. berry31 says:

    What a neat love story!! Wow!! Don’t you love how God works? I met my husband tutoring in a lab…. I was a tutor and he wanted a quiet place to study. I thought he was cute and kept asking if he needed help…. He kept refusing, but asked to come play soccer with my friends and I sometime! After that he started coming to Bible study….and the rest is history 😉 I love how you guys party. That’s my speed!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Terri says:

      That is a great story Hannah! I love how God orchestrated all that, almost looks as if your husband was not only looking for a quiet place to study but also just wanted to see you 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your love story I enjoyed it!


    • Terri says:

      That is an awesome and sweet story! Thank you so much for sharing and also for sharing your link to your love story post I enjoyed it so much and it had great words of wisdom too 🙂


  2. a gentle iconoclast says:

    Terry, today my husband and I have been married for 38 years. We were married on a cold cold winter day just like today. It is a love story and a story of God’s grace to us.
    So glad you have your own love story with Mark!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Karina Susanto says:

    I and Kevin are first love. We are the love and first sight. We met at the campus library. I don’t know why, when I saw him, my heart said, this is the guy who will be a part of my life. God has given me right man though I have to struggle in prayer to brought my husband In God. At the time, we have different religion. Sis, what a wonderful story of you. Thank you for sharing. Happy valentine day and blessings to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Terri says:

      Aww I love how when you saw him your heart said that he was the guy for you. I just love the way God works. He always has a plan that sometimes we don’t see coming but look back on and realize it was there all along. Thank you for sharing your love story Karina, Happy Valentine’s day and blessings to you also!


  4. Freedomborn ... Aussie Christian Focus says:

    I will leave my link for you T to me it is Now that matters, there has been too much water under the bridge and to try and swim backwards is too hard but I have shared a lot of my life on our Blog and there will be more both sad and joyful.

    Loved –

    But it is God’s Love as you shared T (1Corinthians13) that keeps the bonds of our Love strong, even when everything is falling to pieces, there is only one way we can have True fulfilling Love and that is in our Unity with Jesus Christ.

    For a Man and Woman to fully Love each other they have to Love Jesus first and it is in knowing Him and His Love for us that we will.

    Christian Love Always – Anne.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Laurie says:

    I would love to say that I believe in love at first sight! But Matt and I met when we were in first grade! Talk about young! Our dads carpooled to work to save money. They learned that their families were quite similar in ages and interests. We started going on vacations together in 1981! We spent a week or two every summer together water skiing, tubing, playing volleyball, and being overall awkward. This continued until 1995. In those years, Matt and I went to middle school and high school together. But we never dated. Never.

    In 1996, When he came home from school in Wyoming, he came up to Fontbonne for a basketball game and subsequent party. I introduced him to many of my friends. When I graduated in 1996, we spent a lot of time together as friends. I had a huge crush on his friend and he had a crush on mine. (She actually ended up marrying Matt’s cousin!)

    By the end of that summer, we had become quite close. When each of is bought a new vehicle, the other was the first to see it. We went to churh together and basically spent every non-working moment together! I had to really work to get that first hug!

    It only took another month or two for the first kiss! We were so nervous! If our relationship didn’t work, entire families would be awkward: our parents had dinner together quite often! Anyway, it want much of a surprise when he proposed in March of 1997! We were finally married in April of 1998!

    Thanks for taking me down this lovely trip on memory lane!


    • Terri says:

      Awwww I loved that story Laurie! that is so cool that you all knew each other since you were children. Thank you so much for sharing your love story, I enjoyed it!


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